Dental implants and bridges are two of the most common types of dental solutions that are used to replace missing teeth and restore the appearance of your smile. However, while both of these installations provide the same function, they do so in fundamentally different ways, which gives each type of dental installation a set of distinct advantages and drawbacks. Understanding the differences between what these two types of dental installations have to offer can help you choose the best one for your dental health needs.
Bridges refer to one or more artificial teeth that are installed between, and anchored to, two of your remaining teeth. This method of installation is much quicker, and is non-invasive, which reduces the risk of complications and other health issues originating during installation. Further, the ease of installation will also drive down the cost of having dental bridges installed.
However, dental bridges can only be installed in areas of your mouth between stable and healthy existing teeth, which means that depending on the state of your mouth, dental bridges may not be able to be installed. Dental bridges also require a significant amount of cleaning and maintenance beyond regular dental hygiene to ensure that any food that gets stuck under or in the bridge is removed before it can start to attract bacteria which can complicate dental health issues.
Dental Implants
Dental implants, like their name would suggest, are artificial teeth that are actually implanted into the soft tissue of your gums. This method of installation makes them much more durable than dental bridges are, since they are designed to be permanent. Further, the lack of any sort of gap between the gum and the implant completely eliminates the risk of food becoming stuck between the installation, which can cause infection and disease. Dental implants also do not come with any changes to your normal dental cleaning routines, and can be treated identically to your existing teeth.
However, the installation process of dental implants does require surgery, which carries some risk that you may experience an infection or other type of complication during the recovery time. This also means that dental implants are good for replacing individual teeth: since each implant will require an incision and surgery work, it can be too stressful for your mouth to have many implants installed. It should also be noted that the fact that dental implants require surgery can drive the price up, making them financially not viable in some cases.
Share13 February 2018
After dealing with a few root canals, I realized that it was time to take my dental hygiene a more seriously. I talked with my dentist about what I could do differently, and he was full of great suggestions that would help. He walked me through different ways to brush, floss, and take care of tartar buildup, and it was really amazing to see the difference that it made. I also started taking a fluoride supplement to strengthen my enamel. When I made it to my next appointment, my dentist was blown away with the improvement. This blog is all about improving your dental appointments by keeping your teeth healthier.