Dental Implant Surgery: What To Expect During And After

Dentist Blog

Getting dental implants is a multi-step procedure. Many patients have concerns about pain management, however, there are a number of very effective options that you can talk to your dentist about. He or she will ensure that you stay comfortable during and after your surgery, whether you opt for oral sedation or local anesthesia. Here are some things to expect during and after your oral surgery. 

The Surgical Procedure

After your dentist extracts your teeth, a bone graft may be needed to make sure that you have enough space in your mouth for the implants. Not every patient requires this step, however. While a bone graft may sound extreme, it is actually a routine procedure where your dentist adds a special material to the location of your missing tooth so that your implant can be securely anchored and stabilized. 

A bone graft can often be performed on the same day as your implant surgery, however, if your dentist determines that your jawbone requires additional support, he or she may recommend that the graft heals completely before moving on to surgery. During your surgery the dentist will excise the gum tissue to access the jawbone. You will not feel anything because you will be effectively anesthetized.

After the bone is exposed, a hole will be drilled into it so that the dental implant can be securely anchored. After the implant has been placed into the bone, the dentist will close the incision.

The implanted rod will hold the artificial tooth, which cannot be placed onto the implant until your jawbone fuses to your implant rod. This process is known as osseointegration. A temporary tooth or denture can be put into place until you get your permanent artificial tooth. 

After Surgery

After surgery, minor bleeding and pain may occur for a brief period of time. You may also develop inflammation and slight bruising of your gums, however, this is uncommon. Your dentist will recommend that you consume only soft foods for a few weeks.

Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications may also be prescribed to reduce the risk of infection and to decrease swelling. Take care of your implants the way as you care for your natural teeth. Brush and floss regularly, and remember that highly pigmented foods and beverages such as coffee, tea, and red wine may stain your dental implants in the same way they do your natural teeth. 

To learn more about what to expect during and after your dental implant surgery, make an appointment with your dentist for an in-office consultation. 


12 October 2019

Improving My Dental Appointments

After dealing with a few root canals, I realized that it was time to take my dental hygiene a more seriously. I talked with my dentist about what I could do differently, and he was full of great suggestions that would help. He walked me through different ways to brush, floss, and take care of tartar buildup, and it was really amazing to see the difference that it made. I also started taking a fluoride supplement to strengthen my enamel. When I made it to my next appointment, my dentist was blown away with the improvement. This blog is all about improving your dental appointments by keeping your teeth healthier.