5 Ways To Ensure Your Smile Is Bright

Dentist Blog

Your smile is your calling card. When you smile, you are not just showing off your personality; you are showing off your teeth as well. If you want to show off shiny white teeth, you can take steps that will increase the whiteness of your teeth. Way #1: Brush Three Times A Day If you want to have shiny white teeth, you need to make sure you are brushing every day.

15 December 2020

Want Whiter Teeth? Weighing The Pros And Cons Of Laser Whitening And Trays

Dentist Blog

If you want to whiten your teeth, professional whitening is the way to go since it's safer and you'll see results quicker than at-home options. There are a few ways your cosmetic dentist can help you whiten your teeth. One option is laser whitening; another option is customized bleaching trays. Read on to see the pros and cons of both options so you can pick the procedure that best suits your needs.

30 October 2020

What You Need to Know About Full Mouth Implants

Dentist Blog

Full mouth implants are an option for people who have had all of their upper or lower teeth removed. Full mouth extraction is sometimes the best solution when a person's teeth are severely decayed. Full mouth implants are a big commitment. Before you undergo this procedure, you'll want to have all the facts. Here are four things you should know about full mouth dental implants. Full mouth prosthetics can be attached using as few as four implants

14 May 2020